
duote123 2024-12-01 0


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  With the development of today's technology,education becomes more important than before because people need to learn moreto adapt the society.Education enables people to understand the world betterand have a good job in the futrue.Moreover ,it also hao an impact on people'sbehavior.

  First of all, education improves people'slearning ability that makes them know more about the world.Most things taughtin schools are the basic skills or means to further understsnding of oursociety .Only by learning these,can human have an opportunity to study more andknow more about the society .Secondly, opportunities are often given to someonewho is good educated .Employers tend to believe that people have high educationare intelligent and they can manage their jod and adapt the working environmentquickly.That is why the educated people always get a good job. Thirdly, themore people learn the more modest and polite they act.Learned people think thatthey are not good enough ,so they show a big patience to learn from everything.They often try to figure out the solution of problems by things they meet orlearn.

  In sum,education can turn people out withbetter learning skills,job offering and good behavior,so I think education isimportant to people to fulfill their goals and live a easy life .


  Nowadays it is a very common phenomenon that some university students are late for or even absent from classes. And still there are some students who slip out of the classroom before the class is over. Class attendance has become a thorny problem to both the students and teachers.

  In fact, it is very important for the students to attend their classes regularly. First, it will ensure you to catch up with the teachers in your learning. That is very helpful to you if you want to do a good job in your study. Second, attending classes regularly is a way of showing respect to your teachers ,too. Your teachers will feel bad if the students do not attend their classes, which, in turn, will affect their teaching and be no good for the students. Third, attending classes regularly will help to form a good habit of punctuality, which is of great importance for the students to do a good job in the future.

  Therefore, we university students should form the good habit of attending our classes regularly from now on. And some day we’ll benefit from it.




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