
duote123 2024-11-24 0


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  My ice grows thin, as I get older

  Peace in pieces, bloody and bruised

  I feel so helpless and confused

  Cuz I hear screamin’ on the left, yellin’ on the right

  I’m sittin’ in the middle, tryin’ to live my life

  Cuz I can’t stop the war

  Shelter homeless, feed the poor

  Can’t walk on water

  I can’t save your sons and daughters

  I can’t change the world and make things fair

  The least that I can do, the least that I can do, the least that I can do is care

  I pray and pray for life’s salvation

  Faith is tried and true in tribulation

  Love is lost and lonely, check the news

  And with these open arms I’ll wait for you

  Cuz I hear screamin on the left, yellin’ on the right

  I’m sittin’ in the middle tryin’ to live my life

  Cuz I can’t stop the war

  Shelter homeless, feed the poor

  I can’t walk on water

  I can’t save your sons and daughters

  I can’t change the world and make things fair

  The least that I can do, the least that I can do, the least that I can do is care

  For the life of me, I can’t see how the devil keeps enticing me

  All you see is a felon, I know God can see what’s right in me

  How I can be labeled as a villain in the first place

  When the worst case scenerio is my birth place

  I’m just tryin’ to keep from fallin’ victim to the murder rate

  Take my life lesson convincing the adolescents

  There’s a God up in heaven,

  They’re screamin’ on the left, yellin’ on the right

  While I’m sittin’ in the middle, tryin’ to live my life

  Cuz I cant stop the war

  Shelter homeless, feed the poor

  Can’t walk on water

  I can’t save your sons and daughters

  I can’t change the world and make things fair

  The least that I can do, the least that I can do, the least that I can do is care





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