初三英语作文:My Favorite Animal

duote123 2025-01-15 0


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初三英语作文:My Favorite Animal

  Last year, my father bought a lovely pet for me. She has four white paws and a white and yellow tail. She has two small ears, two green eyes and eight whiskers on her face. Her name is Sally and she is one year old.

  Do you know what it is? A cat? Yes, it is a cat. She has very short fur and she is quite small. She weighs about 2 kilograms. She is usually very friendly and quiet. We never frighten her or pull her tail or ears. She likes walking around me and playing with me.

  If she is hungry, she will miaow. Usually, she eats food from a tin, but her favorite food is fish. She likes juice if it is not too cold. She likes to chase and catch mice and sometimes she plays with butterflies. Sally often plays with balls and pieces of string. She does not like dogs and she hates the rain. She likes sitting on the sofa and watching TV.

  Sally is a very good friend, but she is quite lazy! She never worries because we take good care of her. She is always a happy cat.



  你知道是什么吗? 一只猫?是的,这是一只猫。她有很短的毛皮和她是相当小。她的体重约2公斤。她平时很友好,环境安静。我们从来不吓唬她还是拉她的尾巴或耳朵。她喜欢走在我身边和我一起玩。







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