
duote123 2024-10-22 0


文章目录 [+]


  Water Pollution

  With the development of industry, water pollution is becoming more serious now. The polluted water not only kills fish, it is also harmful to our health. Many people get sick because they drink the polluted water. In some rivers the water is so dirty that they can even kill plants.

  We should fight against the pollution. We should stop using harmful things. I wish it is not a dream that in the near future we can have clean rivers again.

  Environment Protection

  Nowadays, peoples life has changed a lot with the development of modern technology and economy, which has put lots of negative effects on the environment.

  Why this? Because, firstly, some factories are pouring wastes into rivers, lakes, seas and so forth; secondly, because of human activities, a great number of plants and animals are losing their lives; thirdly, using modern machines and chemicals is bad for the environment. Besides these, there are a lot of human activities which have done or are doing harm to our surroundings.

  For this, I think, first, our government should make drastic measures to regulate human activities; second, we human beings should take pains-taking work to stop ourselves destroying the environment and try our best to protect our living space more.

  Forest Pretention保护森林





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